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Showing posts with label Additional English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Additional English. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

II Semester BA Additional English - CIA 3

Write a critical analysis of a poem, short story, novel, anthology, play, critical essay, or biography (any one) published not earlier than July 1, 2007. The analysis may be linguistic, literary, semiotic or interdisciplinary. The text has to be in English. If you are analyzing a poem, please submit it along with your assignment. In other cases please keep the book/text ready. I may ask for it, if required.

The write up should be typed in not less than 500 words and printed on A4 size paper with one and a half line space and 12 font size. You may use anyone of the following fonts only: Times New Roman, Garamand, Book Antiqua.

Please write your name, registered number, class, subject, teacher-in-charge on the right hand top corner of the first page. Please do not attach a cover sheet.

The non-extendable date to submit your assignment is 20 January 2008. You may however submit before the last date. In order to avoid confusion please send your assignment through your respective class representatives. Class representatives please maintain a list of all those who submit their assignments.

Please avoid plagiarism. If you are using ideas or lines from books or online sources please cite them. To know how to cite please refer to the post on bibliography writing in my blog ( You may however use other formats or evolve your own provided there is consistency and is logical.

Late submissions may not be entertained.

Evaluation Criteria :Critical engagement, language, writing skill.

For any clarification email to anil.pinto at or enter your questions in the comment section of the blog post below.

Anil Pinto
Dept of Media Studies 09 Jan 2008