The Ladies have Feeling, so... Shall we leave it to the Experts? (2002)
Arundhati Roy
Contradictions that make
Lives in many centuries simultaneously
Anarchy in
Loaded in two convoys pulling opposite each other
Balancing is an art
Being a writer in this country
Development as undeclared war
Rules for writer: No rules. But no excuses for bad art
Art imposes responsibility
Problem of writer – once you see you can’t unsee
Civil society protects a writer
Changing situation for Indian writers – demand by western publishers
Celebrity status can kill the writer
Labeled – because she takes positions
Corporate globalization
Cannot address problems in
We have excess within us
Way it functions
Govt stand – opposes
Euphemisms – Globalization with human face.
Questions unanswered: Globalization is not panacea
Need to question the World bank projects
Issue of displacement
Anti-poor govt and judiciary
You take part in the issues because you are a human being
Don’t depend on expert
Their battle strategies span the range.
Writers, artists, singers, filmmakers, should make connection and explain complexity of situations to people. – translate
New space. Opportunities for new kind of art.
Need for new kind of politics, of governance, and resistance, of opposition, of forcing accountability, of joining hands,
Only thing worth globalizing is dissent –
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