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Saturday, July 29, 2006

What Postmodern Means by Lawrence Cahoone

• Difficult to summaries postmodernism
– a. Disagreement among writers
– b. Postmodernists deny having any doctrine
• Idea of summary antithetical to Pm
• To understand - list
• Imp Ideas in pm works
• Different claims postmodernists make
• Issues dividing pms

Five prominent postmodern themes
Presence or presentation (vs representation or construction)
Origin (vs phenomenon)
Unity (vs plurality)
Transcendence or norms (vs their immanence)
Constitutive otherness

• =quality of immediate experience
• + the objects thereby immediately represented
• Traditionally presence contrasted with
– a, representation - sphere of linguistic signs
– b. construction – the products of human invention (hence whatever mediated by human factor)
• E.g.: Perception/sensation sense data – passage to reality, more reliable than mental contents subsequently modified, represented and altered by thought or language.
• Pm questions and denies it.
• Pm denies that anything is ‘immediately present’ hence independent of signs, language, interpretation, disagreement etc.
• Also presence presupposes representation
• Derrida- No thing as perception – immediate transparent reception of the given

• Postmodernists deny presence and analysis of representation
• Study The thing
• E.g. using intelligence systems in schools
• Postmodernists analyze use of term ‘intelligence’ by the tests proponents – implying the object or referent of the term never present
• It’s the history and political representations and their political use which is at issue
• We encounter the real world referents through texts, representations, mediation.
• We can never say what is independent of all sayings.

• = notion of the source of whatever under consideration
• A return to which is often considered the aim of rational enquiry.-
– An attempt to see beyond phenomena to their ultimate foundation.
• Modern philosophies of the self – existentialism, psycho-analysis, phenomenology, Marxism- attempt to discover self road to authenticity.
• Postmodernist argue – it’s not possible to have an access to self completely, it’s never available to us.
• No possibility of returning to, recapturing, representing the origin, source, deeper reality behind phenomena
• Casts doubts and denies existence
• Postmodernism is intentionally superficial. Surface of things, phenomenon don’t require any deeper reference.
• Author is dead - denies origin
• Because no meaning of text can be ‘authoritatively’ revealed through authorial intervention.
• They are not imp, have not privilege over other factors.

• Unity, single entity is plural
• Everything constituted by other elements
• Constitutive are plural
• Therefore individual plural
• Therefore no analysis is final
• E.g. Texts meaning are never complete/final
• Human self multiplicity of forces or elements.
• Not single unity, hierarchically composed, solid, self-controlled
• We have selves than self

Transcendence of norms X
• Norms- truth, goodness, beauty, rationality- not independent of the processes they serve to govern or judge
• They’re products of and immanent in those processes.
• Social justice product of social relations it serves to govern
• i.e. the idea was created at a certain time and place to serve certain interests and is dependent on certain intellectual and social contexts.
• Rejection of idealism
• Concept of ‘good’ and the act of calling something good not independent of the things we want to call ‘good’
• Therefore postmodernists show processes of thought, writing, negotiation and power which produced those normative claims

Constitutive otherness
• Complex application of the four themes
• Use of constitutive otherness in analyzing any cultural entity
• Cultural entities-human beings, words, meanings, ideas, philosophical systems, social organizations are maintained in their unity through active process of exclusion, opposition, opposition, and hierarchisation
• Other phenomena or units must be represented as foreign or ‘other’ representing hierarchical dualism in which a unit is ‘privileged’ or favoured and the other devalued in some way.
• Postmodernists find – privileged groups must actively produce and maintain their position by representing or picturing themselves- in thought, literature, in law, in art – as not having the properties ascribed to the underprivileged group
• Must represent those groups those groups as lacking the properties of the privileged groups.
• The self may feel compelled to represent itself as excluding sexual or aggressive feelings. They cannot be obliterated. So must be ascribed to chance situations E.g. “ I was not myself that day”
• Margins constitute texts
• Unities are constituted by repressing their dependency on and relations to others.
• Postmodernists analyse the excluded or ‘marginalised’ elements of a system or text.
• Pm in literature turn attention away from well known themes in text toward seldom mentioned, virtually absent, implicitly or explicitly devalued
• Presence constituted by absence.
• Real by appearance
• Ideal by mundane
• This apart from theme also applies to style.
• Postmodernist read metaphors with keen interest
• Process of exclusion false, unstable, immoral
• False= It’s a lie
• Unstable- Must be admitted some day
• Immoral- when becomes social oppression
• Repression in text when read carefully undermines its own message.
• Constitutive otherness shows the dependence of the privileged theme on the marginalized element.
• Social disenfranchisement, marginalization of sexual and racial group is moral and political case of this pattern.
• Some pm wish to remove such repressions, others admit no escape
• Render repressive forces more diverse and fluid- so none becomes monopolistic.

Types of postmodernism
• Three-part classification, overlapping
• Indicative of aims
– Methodological postmodernism
– Positive postmodernism

Methodological postmodernsim
• Rejects the possibility of establishing foundations, thus of ultimate reliability of knowledge.
• Shows that traditional philosophical distinctions b/w real and ideal, objective and subjective, reality and appearance fact and theory are problematic
• It problemetaises
– A. by criticizing the traditional theories of knowledge and linguistic meaning
– b. human interests evident in the construction of these distinctions
• It’s antirealist – claims knowledge is made valid not by its relation to its objects, but by its relation to our pragmatic interests, communal perspectives, needs, rhetoric
• Undercuts the philosophical attempt to justify realism
• Sometime undermines rational inquiry itself by subjecting notions of truth, rationality and meaning to critique.
• M pm is negative – claims or shows inadequacy or problematic nature of other forms of writing and talking and theorizing but offers no explicit alternative.

Positive pm
• Positive reinterpretation of any phenomenon
• It may reconceive the self or God or nature or knowledge or society or art given the critique of unity, origin, presence
• Refers to writing that applies general postmodern themes to particular subject matters in order to offer new vision or understanding.
• Offers alterative

Issues dividing postmodernist
• First
• Recognize whether pm is
– a. merely making a historical claim that modern ideas and methods are being superseded or abandoned in the present age
– b. questioning the validity of modern methods without making any explicit claims about their falsity or suggesting that they be abandoned
– c. claiming the inadequacy of the modern methods and inviting us to abandon them in favour of something else.
• Some postmodernists are wrongly accused of rejecting modern philosophy and society when they only question them.
• E.g. Derrida interpreted as undermining western thought.
• But he says there’s no alternative to ‘logo centrism’ or traditional foundationalism of West: It can’t be abandoned
• Result - tension b/w methodological and positive application of pm
• Most extreme case - Some postmodernists use elements of pm critique to reformulate fundamental conceptions of God and the universe
• This is in principle anathema to post-structuralism and antifounatinalism
• Second
• Pm may seem antithetical to recapturing any past. – not always true.
• While pm philosophers don’t have anything to do with those who wish to recreate past, such a return central to architectural pm.
• Pm architect incorporates ornamentation, banished by modernism.
• But its not premodernism pure, but pluralism.
• Uses premodern element in something that is completely modern
• Synthesizing, juxtaposing and ironically commenting on traditions is not traditional.
• To be traditionalist or premodernist is to be faithful to one tradition, not to all.
• E.g. pm= premodern, monogamy=many sex partners
• Pm and premodern share same enemy

• Third
• Question of political implication of pm.
• Its well-known political manifestation is the attempt to make contemporary culture acknowledge and respond to ‘difference’ or ‘otherness’ under the names of feminism very influential intellectual movement, multiculturalism, a phenomenon in the field of education.
• Both movements overlap with pm.
• Some feminists, multiculturalists are pm some are not
• Most poststructuralist, feminists and multiculturalists are associated with the left. Some others are not
• E.g. Richard Rorty- calls himself ‘postmodernist bourgeois liberal
• Leftists criticize pm opening reactionary forces blocking leftist political reforms.
• Habermas
• Political usefulness of pm is in criticizing any established authority.


Cahoone, Lawrence. What Postmodernism Means. Modernism to Postmodernism an Anthology

Anil Pinto, Dept of Media Studies;

To 'Sum Up ' Postmodernism

To Sum up Postmodernism ……

According to Lyotard Postmodernism has to do with scepticism about Grand Narrative; it is about heterogeneity.

According to Jameson, it must involve a way of mapping the new and confusing contours of our late capitalistic times.

According to Baudrillard, postmodernism is a flow of ultra-technological images in a consumerist hyperreality across a mediascape or mindscreen to which we can only passively surrender.

According to cyberpunk it is a world dominated by multinational corporations and the data they control. Yet cyberpunks advocate a hacker ethic, tapping into and using such data for personal ends.

According to Charles Jencks all these thinkers are describing late capitalism or late modernism. According to him authentic postmodernism involves double coding the artistic representation of modernism with something else, some Other.

All postmodern thinkers agree the world is shrinking. There is no one dominant worldview. Pluralism rules: traditional, modern, late modern and postmodern all rub elbows in the same culture.

Encroachment by the other upon what had once been our private space is central here.: The Other may be individuals, Other groups, Other species, Other races, the Other of “male,” the Other of “the West,” the Other of “Europe,” the Other of the conscious mind, the Other of the rational mind, the Other of modernism, the Other of modernisms, the Other of “ourselves” or in “ourselves”.

Through double coding, postmodern architecture, art and literature represent the other and thus present heterogeneity; by looking backward to the past, or sideways to a local culture. Thus while using modernist techniques they include the Other, humorously, ironically and playfully, rather than excluding it.

Post-modern (with hyphen) for Jencks, because postmodern has hybrid identities. Some supermyth or messiah uniting everybody under one umbrella no more exists.

Postmodern people resist grand narratives. That god is Yahweh or Allah or the goddess, that moon is made of such and such mass, that western medicine better than oriental herbal, that feminine equals sugar and spice and everything nice or that the Caucasian race is the master race – all these are man-made notions. They are social constructs / inventions. There is no one way of explaining things.

The grand narratives are replaced by hodge-podge of little narratives. Postmodern people therefore instead of believing that world will be united one day under Marxism or Christianity or Science are more interested in seeing the world as a kind of carnival of cultures- a tribal gathering.

The shining sun of universal truth and meaning is eclipsed by the colourful display of little dances, little stories, that don’t project a utopia.

Postmodern audience don’t demand that all the heterogeneous stories add up to some grand global, universal total sense, instead they celebrate the fact that it’s ok to stop making so much sense. Because of explosion of cultural messages we are beginning to understand that not only through stories but also our rituals, religious dogmas, myths, gender roles, self concepts, beliefs histories, and theories are cultural, social inventions.

We enjoy the man-made symbols but don’t want to be its slaves. We are quasi fundamentalist Christian, Muslim. We go to temples, mosques despite the doubts.

We may participate in more than one grand narrative- Buddhist Christian
It has liberated the concerns of the other. E.g. unlike Conrad who thought you could speak for the other.

Postmodernisms emphasis on the other has allowed formerly silenced Others such as women, gays, blacks, Orientals, etc to express their own stories in their own voices.

Just as postmodern societies reject grand narratives there is also an attempt to create them through cults and sects.

As the grand narratives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism have a difficult time dealing with differences, there are two major traditions-Buddhism and Hinduism. Buddhism is democratic, cool, practical, inexpensive, and also politically correct. (Because Chinese occupation of Tibet).

Vedic tradition of India- Hinduism- also accommodates differences, which tolerates a great variety of forms of worship and ways of attaining enlightenment.

Powell, Jim. Postmodernism for Beginners. Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 1998.
Anil Pinto, Dept of Media Studies;

Modernism and Postmodernism

Following are the notes of my lectures on the essay by MH Abrams on 'Modernism and postmodernism'.

• Term used to identify new and distinctive features in the subjects, forms, concepts and styles of literature and the other arts in the early decades of the last century (20th) esp. after WWI(1914-1918)
• Features: Involves a deliberate and radical break with some of the traditional bases not only of Western art but of Western culture in general.
• Important Precursors: Friedrich Nietzsche (1890-1915) Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, James G. Frazer. (His Golden Bough stressed the correspondence between central Christian tenets and pagan, often barbaric myths and rituals.
• Location: Some locate it in 1890’s. High modernism came after WWI.
• 1922 appearance of modernist innovations – James Joyce’s Ulysses, Ezra Pound’s Cantos, T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, Virginia Wolf’s Jacob’s Room + other experimental works.
• Reason: War had shaken faith in the continuity of Western civilization and raised doubts about the adequacy of traditional literary modes to represent the harsh and dissonant realities of the postwar world. ‘The inherited mode of ordering a literary work, which assumed a relatively coherent and stable social order could not accord the “immense panorama of futility and anarchy which is contemporary history.”
• Eliot experimented with new forms and a new style that would render contemporary disorder, often contrasting with the lost order and integration that had been based on the religion and myths of the cultural past.
• In The Waste Land (1922) Eliot replaced the standard flow of poetic language by fragmented utterances and substituted for the traditional coherence of poetic structure a deliberate dislocation of parts in which very diverse components are related by connections that are left to the reader to discover or invent.
• Joyce’s Ulysses (1922) & more radical Finnegans Wake (1939) subvert the basic conventions of earlier prose fiction by breaking up the narrative continuity, departing from the standard ways of representing characters and violating the traditional continuity, departing from the standard ways of representing characters and violating the traditional syntax and coherence of narrative language by the use of stream of consciousness and other innovative modes of narration.
• Gertrude Stein –experimented with writing that achieved its effects by violating the norms of Standard English syntax and sentence structure.
• Parallel experiments in Literature : Expressionism and surrealism
• Modernist paintings and sculpture: Cubism, Futurism and Abstract Expressionism
• Music: Violations of standard conventions of melody, harmony and rhythm by the modernist musical composers Stravinsky and Schoenberg et al.
• Prominent feature of modernism – avant-garde- a small self-conscious group of artists and authors who deliberately undertake, in Ezra Pound’s phrase, to “make it new”.
• By violating the accepted conventions and proprieties, not only of art but of social discourse, they set out to crate ever-new forbidden, subject matters. Frequently avant-garde artists represent themselves as “alienated" from the established order, against which they assert their own autonomy; a prominent aim is to shock the sensibilities of the conversional reader and to challenge the norms and pieties of the dominant bourgeois culture.


• Term applied to the literature and art after WW II (1939-45)
• Effects on Western morale of the first war were greatly exacerbated by the experience of Nazi totalitarianism and mass extermination, the threat of total destruction by the atomic bomb the progressive devastation of the natural environment and the ominous fact of overpopulation.
• Postmodernism: 1. Experiments of extreme modernism 2. Diverse attempts to break away form modernist forms which had become conventional, 3. Overthrow elitism of modernist “high art” by recourse to the models of “mass culture” in films, television, newspaper cartoon and popular music.
• Postmodern literatures by Jorge Luis Borges, Thomas Pynchon, Roland Barthes blend literary genres, cultural and stylistic levels, the serious and the playful that they resist classification according to traditional literary rubrics.
• Parallels in art: pop art, op art, musical compositions of John Cage and the films of Jean-Luc Godard
• Purpose : At times to subvert the foundations of our accepted modes of thought and experience so as to reveal the “meaninglessness” of existence and the underlying “abyss” or “void “ or “nothingness” on which any supposed security is conceived to be precariously suspended.
• Parallel in linguistics and literary theory- post structuralism
• Poststructuralists undertake to subvert the foundations of language in order to show that its seeming meaningfulness dissipates, for a rigorous inquirer into a play of conflicting indeterminacies, or else to show that all forms of cultural discourse are manifestations of the ideology or of the relations and constructions of power in contemporary society.

• Abrams, MH. A Glossary of Literary Terms, VI Ed. Bangalore: Prism Books, 1993, pp 118-121.

Anil Pinto, Dept of Media Studies;

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dr William Robert Da Silva: Born in Mangalore taught at Mangalore University, Goa University, University of Hamburg, and Osnabruck, Germany, Manipal Institute of Communication, Manipal. His academic and research work spans over Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Literature, Linguistics, Gender Studies, Translation, Communication and Media. He has written and translated over 24 books. The Konkanni Bible translated from original Hebrew and Greek is his magnum opus. It happens to be the only Bible translated from original tongues in Konkanni language. He has a rare distinction of working in many languages. Currently he is the Director of Sandesha Bharati, School of Konkanni Studies, Mangalore, Senior Professor, Dept of Communication (PG), Christ College, Bangalore, and Visiting Professor, Osnabruck University, Germany.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Semiotics Syllabus/Course Plan


Christ College, Bangalore 560029


Course convenor: Dr. William R. Da Silva

Course co-ordinator:Anil Pinto

60 hours, weekly 2.5 hours

3 credits

Time: Thursdays, 16-18.30

Place: Room No. 109, Main Block

Minimum: 10


This course will be useful for all working in communication, theatre and media studies; language, literature and media. In media it will be useful for analysis of subtexts, myths and ideologies in communication (ads, films, photo-magazines, television, internet etc.)


01. What is semiotics or semiology? The transition: comparative philology to semiology; philosophy of language and historical and social linguistics to linguistics.

02. Ferdinand de Saussure: Semiology; sign, system, structure; the science of the system of signs in society (semiologie).

03. Charles S. Peirce: Philosophy of sign; communicative sign; index, icon and symbol; unlimited semiosis.

04. Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralism and cultural anthropology (Structural linguistics, Marxism and psychoanalysis).

05. Vladimir V. Propp: Functional semiotics or morphology of a folktale.

06. Roman Jakobson: Structuralism and models of communication.

07. Structural linguistics: Robert Gleason, Noam A. Chomsky.

08. Marxism and Structuralism: Louis Althusser.

09. Structuralism and Psychoanalysis: Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault.

10. Post-structuralism: Roland Barthes; post-modernism: Jean Beaudrillard.

11. Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida.

12. Philosophy of semiotics: Umberto Eco.


Applied semiotics: (structuralism, post-structuralism, post-modernism, deconstruction) language, discourse, oral and literary narratives; folk rituals, religious and political-cultural rituals, theatre and other performances; advertisements, illustrated magazines, photo printing, films, television, Internet.

Every participant in the Course is required to apply the semiotics method (alone or in combination with other methods, explained above, or with post-modernism of Jean-Francois Lyotard and Jean Beaudrillard) to any area of communication and media and prepare a research paper of 8-10 (A4 size) pages in three stages: research proposal, first draft and final paper.


Daniel Chandler, Semiotics for Beginners, London: Routledge, 1995. (The book is available online with rich hypertext references, and may be downloaded. This text will be made available to participants in the college on CD as desired). A paperback edition too is available with Routledge, London. (In India agents in Chennai; in Bangalore: Foundation Books.)

Chandler has an exhaustive bibliography on semiotics and related topics. Other books will be introduced in the active sessions of the course.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I FEP One Act Plays

Department of Media Studies

Christ College, Bangalore


One-Act Plays

Reg Nos

Lecturers in-charge


06D2201 - 215

Soloman Rees

Refund: Fritz Karinthy

06D2216 - 230


The Monkey's Paw: WW Jacobs

06D2231 - 245


The Stone Idols: KS Sreenath

06D2246 - 260

Padma Kumar

Before the Flood: AA Milne

06D2261 - 276

Anil Pinto

Lithuania: Rupert Brooke


Ø You should direct, act, produce and get the audience for your play. The role of the lectures concerned will be that of observers and evaluators. However, you may approach them for any guidance or clarification.

Ø Practice for the play should happen either before or after the class hours.

Ø You are free to edit the plays.

Ø Use minimum stage property and keep the expenses minimal. All the expenses towards the play are to be borne by the respective groups.

Ø Do not take any help from people other than your group members during the production. However, for music you may seek the help of your friends in other sections of the College.

Ø All the plays should be staged on 17, 18, and 19 of July 2006 for the department for scrutiny.

Ø The final production of the play will be from 24 July to 28 July 2006 in the Mini Auditorium (tentative) in the Main Block after 4 pm. The order in which the plays are to be staged will be announced in the third week of July.

Ø The process of the production of the play is more important than the final production. Hence, you will be evaluated based on your commitment and contribution to the group, involvement, and creativity. You will be assessed out of 20 marks as part of Continuous Internal Assessment 2a and class work.

Ø Each group is requested to maintain a diary of the progress on daily basis and show it to the lecturers concerned regularly.

Ø For any clarification please feel free to approach your teachers-in-charge, Felix or me, either personally or through email.

Ø All the best

27 June 2006 Anil Pinto

ajpinto42 at yahoo dot co dot in

III PSEng, FEP, PSEng V Semester Course Plan 2006

Department of Media Studies

Christ College, Bangalore

III PSEng, FEP, PSEng V Semester Course Plan 2006

Optional English

Names of the Teachers : Anil Pinto

Semester : V

Total No of hours : 24

Subject : Optional English

Paper : European and Non-European Writing: An Introduction and The Literatures of India: An Introduction

1. Modernism; postmodernism; What Postmodernism Means

Reference: The Scream Edward Munch (1893), Guernica Picasso (1937), Modern Times Chaplin, Metropolis Fritz Lang (1927), Waste Land, A Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock TS Eliot; The Fontana Post-modern Reader, Walter Truett Anderson; Postmodernism for Beginners Jim Powell; Art for Beginners Dani Cavallaro

No of Hours: 13

Dates: June and July

2. Feminism

Reference: Fire: Meera Nair; Dweepa: Girish Kasaravalli; Father, Son and Holy War: Anand Patwardhan

No of Hours: five

Dates: August

3. Marxist Criticism

Reference: Marxist Literary Criticism: Terry Eagleton

No of Hours: Three

Dates: September: Week I, II

4. Women Writing in India: 600 BC to the Present

No of Hours: Two

Dates: September Week III

5. The Politics of Failure

No of Hours: one

Dates: September Week IV

Friday, June 23, 2006

I FEP I Sem Course Plan 2006

Names of the Teachers : Anil Pinto and Felix
Semester : I
Total No of hours : 54
Subject : Functional English
Paper : II (Applied Phonetics and Communication Skills)

1.Spelling and Pronunciation; English Consonants and Vowels No of Hours; 5; Dates: June 23 – June 30

2.The Syllable; Word Accent; Morphemes; Assimilation and Elision; Rhythm, Intonation; Accents, US, UK and Australian, English in India; No of Hours; 8; Dates: July 1 – July 17; Class test: 17 July

3.Choral Behaviour and Group Think; The English Empire and the Politics of World Englishes; No of Hours; 2; Dates: July 21, 22

4.Public Speaking; Types of Speeches; Platform Speeches, Platform Roles; No of Hours; 15; Dates: 24 July – 14 Aug; One-act Plays to be staged in the fourth week

5.Intellectual Assemblies and Artists Assemblies; Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Code Switching; No of Hours; 4; Dates: 25 Aug – 28 Aug

6.Telephonic Conversation, GD, Situational Conversations, Interviewing, Effective Listening; No of Hours; 10; Dates: 1 Sept - 16 Sept

7.News Reading for Radio, TV; Speech in Theatre, Radio, TV and Cinema; No of Hours; 10; Dates: 18 Sept - 29 Sept

8.Review/Feedback; Date : 29 Sept

One-Act Play Production:
You will be divided into five groups of 15. Each group will direct, act and produce a given play in the Fourth week of July. The practice will have to be done after or before the class hours or during free time. The entire exercise carries 20 marks based on your involvement in and contribution towards the play.

Almost all the classes will be practice oriented and exercise based, with only necessary theoretical inputs.

Continuous Internal Assessment:
CIA II a: One-act Play Production (Fourth week of July)
CIA II b: Class test (17 July)
CIA III: A 600 word write up on recent trends in
a) Platform speeches and platform roles; or
b) Any one of the intellectual assemblies

Guidelines for Submission:
·The written assignment should be based on your field research. The typed assignment should adhere to the following specifications: A4 size paper, 12 font size, 11/2 line space, font: Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, or Garamond
·Assignment details - your name, reg. no, class, batch, assignment code, name of the College, name of the teacher in-charge and date of submission- should be mentioned on the top right-hand side of the first page
·You are free to take the assignment beyond the expected criteria. Such efforts will be appreciated
·Those who are going to be out of town can submit the assignment online
·No late submission is entertained
·Plagiarism may amount to rejection of assignment
·Remember to give the reference at the end of your assignment of the books, articles and websites that you have referred to. The following pattern may be followed: Author’s name with the last name first, a period, name of the book underlined, a period, Place of Publication, colon, name of publication, year of publication, page no
oE.g.: Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, My Experiments with Truth, New Delhi: Penguin, 1998.
oIn case of a website give the complete URL of the site referred to along with the above details
oIf you are directly lifting some lines quote them. If you are using some idea write it in your words but acknowledge it

Mid-semester Practical Exam
1.Listening to words and transcribing – 10 words given
2.Reading sentences - 10 sentences to be given

Evaluation Criteria: knowledge of phonemes and desired pronunciation of sounds, knowledge and use of stress, rhythm and intonation.

End-semester Practical Exam
1.Group discussion (Evaluation Criteria: Communicative skills and knowledge of the subject)
2.Staging programme on a given situation (Evaluation Criteria: Organisation skills, communication skills, crisis management, teamwork)
ØAttendance is compulsory for all the sessions. Please be punctual
ØAll the sessions will be of two hours
ØListen to local, national, and international TV or Radio news channels regularly to widen your knowledge as well as for the language exposure. Do attend plays in English and other languages around the city to be exposed to the theatre culture
ØPlease feel free to clarify your doubts, ask questions or give feedback in the class, department or through email.
ØWhile emailing please mention your name, class and batch
ØVisit the blog for notices and announcements regularly
ØAll the best. Let us grow together

Anil Pinto,


Monday, April 03, 2006

Cyber culture workshop - concept note

Workshop on Cyberculture
6, 7, 8 April 2006

Concept Note

(Don't be scarred by this abstract note, the workshop is going to be more concrete and fun )

Cybercultures is a term that lends itself too easily to a superficial understanding of a set of practices which are associated with the words techie, geek, gadgets and gizmos. However, cybercultures is not necessarily only about the people who produce it. Looked upon as a site upon which forces of economic and cultural globalization, political governance and geographical boundaries are actively interacting with each other, cybercultures needs to be understood as the ethos of our times within which all of us, directly or indirectly, through inclusion or exclusion, through presence or absence, are implicated within. The three day workshop in cybercultures looks at three main concerns of identity, community and culture and how the new technological proliferation of cyberspace shapes our understanding of these three domains. Spread across three days, for a period of four hours each, the cybercultures workshop, through discussions, exercises and presentations, seeks to question how each one of us becomes a cyborg and how it changes our notions of who we are, where we belong and what we do.

Workshop on Cyber culture

Department of Media Studies
Christ College, Bangalore


Workshop on Cyberculture

Nishant Shah
(CSCS, ex-cultural consultant, Yahoo
Dates : 6, 7, 8 April 2006
(Thursday- Saturday
Time : 02.00-06.00
Venue : Christ College
Fee : Christites: Rs 100, Others Rs 150
Vacancies: 25

For more Details Contact: Anil Pinto, Dept of Media Studies, 9886627416

BBM question paper pattern

HI guys
I have not been able to meet Mr Sudhamshu. The moment I am able to get in touch with him I shall post the question paper pattern on the blog.

All the best!

Friday, March 03, 2006

I BBM ‘A’ CIA 2 Assignment

I BBM ‘A’ CIA 2 Assignment

Group Presentation Topics

Group I 05D1201-08 :
Christ College hangouts

Group II 209-16 : Forum

Group III 217-24 : Eva Moll

Group IV 225-32 : Garuda Mall

Group V 233- 40: Bollywood

Group VI 241-48 : Plurality at Christ College

Group VII 249-56 : Newspapers in Bangalore

Group VIII 257-64 : Advertisements

Group I 265-74 : Life at Night in Bangalore

Evaluation Criteria: Based on individual contribution to the group, team work, research done, creativity.
Presentation date: 8 march 2006

Friday, February 24, 2006

Applied Phonetics II - Mid - Sem Practicals

Dept of Media Studies
Christ College, Bangalore
BA, II Semester
Communicative English Paper III - Applied Phonetics
Mid-semester Practical Examination

Practical Examination Pattern

Date of the examinination : 27 Feb 2006
Time : 9 to 11 am
Schedule : 9 to 9.30 am - Orientation
9.30 to 10.45 am - Part I
10.45 to 11 am - Part II
Venue: I will put up on the dept notice board on Monday morning.

Part A: 10 marks
Five sentences with proper stress and intonation to be read.
Note: The sentences will be either in regular English orthography or in IPA.

Part B: 10 marks
Students participate in any of the situational conversations given. The tasks can be either group or pair work
E.g. Meting your classmate after your II semester vacation.
Planning class picnic

Please note:
Be in the examination hall by 8.45 am
If you have any queries please direct them to Iffath who in turn will contact me.
Do prepare for both Part A and Part B.

24 Feb 2006 Anil Pinto

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Breaking Ties: Sarah Aboobacker chat session post

Following this the post of the Chat sesion I had with the final year students if Literature on Breaking Ties by Sarah Aboobacker. It was largely a voice chat where I spoke about the novel for some time and then there was quite a good interactive voice chat. While I made my presetnations the participants kept typing the feelings and reactions either with words or emoticoms. Since much of the chat happed over voice the following transcript does not include the fullfledged discussions we had. It was an experiments and a memorable one for me. I sure so was it for the participants. The entire chat session lasted for about three hours.

Please check the following link for pointer on Breaking Ties.

vidya_b2: hehe
prathyusha bv: movie
sorrysaranya_blj: but isnt the mus.persnl law in adherence to the shariate?
prathyusha bv: dunno
prathyusha bv: but i guessprathyusha bv: there must be somethin
vidya_b2: hasina??
prathyusha bv: is that good?
bhavnapadmanabhan: he says yes,
saranya.saranya_blj: okbhavnapadmanabhan: can you hear him?
vidya_b2: i heard it is
saranya_blj: which one school sir?Siddharth
Prakash: got it myself
prathyusha bv: hmm. coz we will understand better na
saranya_blj: oh ok that way. sunni u mean/
vidya_b2: yup
saranya_blj: ok
bhavnapadmanabhan: sir did you say 12?
vidya_b2: religion and its effect on women
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ...question...
prathyusha bv: ey vidya that day we were thinkin no..feminism and rang de..
saranya_blj: is it also to be seen as sara abu becker's viewpoint as against the original?
vidya_b2: eh??? cant remeber
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ...question...
prathyusha bv: when the girls dont die and all
vidya_b2: max has q.. max speak up
vidya_b2: eh?
prathyusha bv: max q?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ...q..
vidya_b2: question....
bhavnapadmanabhan: max ask your question
malyaban lahiri lahiri: the importance of the title "breaking ties"
vidya_b2: speak da
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok
bhavnapadmanabhan: right..and?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: she is breaking ties with : 1)antiquated society 2)conservative religion 3)male domination
saranya_blj: is it also to be seen as sara abu becker's viewpoint as against the original work?
prathyusha bv: too much
bhavnapadmanabhan: well, in the end of the book, she kills where is she breaking ties from all thet,max? she is breaking ties with life...dont you think?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yes all these are sadly HER life
saranya_blj: life also isnt it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: egjactly
saranya_blj: k.... think i'm not visible anymore..
bhavnapadmanabhan: one second saranya
Siddharth Prakash: sir sir
Siddharth Prakash: .....
prathyusha bv: yeah
saranya_blj: wokayprathyusha bv: the only freedom she has
prathyusha bv: is supposed to be what she does
vidya_b2: sid... fep over u????
saranya_blj: is it also to be seen as sara abu becker's viewpoint as against the original work?
Siddharth Prakash: huh?
saranya_blj: ok ok yea sir
malyaban lahiri lahiri: she is the translator sid
vidya_b2: eh?
prathyusha bv: translator?
saranya_blj: no vanamnala
malyaban lahiri lahiri: wrong
saranya_blj: vanamala viswanath
anil: vanamala viswanath
anil: a
malyaban lahiri lahiri: vanamnala vishwanath- translator
anil: Sara Aboobacker
bhavnapadmanabhan: vanamala vishwanatha is the translator. writer is sara abu backer
vidya_b2: spellings
prathyusha bv: double oo
bhavnapadmanabhan: sorry double oo
vidya_b2: bun i m shocked
vidya_b2: !!!!!
bhavnapadmanabhan: sorry moi!!
Siddharth Prakash: hello aunty !!!!
vidya_b2: stop showing off
prathyusha bv:
vidya_b2: okieeee
saranya_blj: is thent the decision of suicide sort of justifying certain aspects of the shariate which needs amendments
Siddharth Prakash: ??????????
vidya_b2: ???????????????
saranya_blj: ok
bhavnapadmanabhan: meaning by committing suicide she has given superiority to the sharaiate?
prathyusha bv: isnt her suicide supposed to be the only freedom she has
saranya_blj: last part ???
vidya_b2: its her way of freedom
vidya_b2: aint it?
bhavnapadmanabhan: by who?
saranya_blj: or is it merely conforming?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: no not conforming i guess
vidya_b2: escaping rather
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yeah
prathyusha bv: considering the society is not giving her any other freedom
saranya_blj: ya actually escaping
prathyusha bv: the sucide
saranya_blj: how can suicide be a challenge?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir , how can death be a way of challenging?
prathyusha bv: taking her life is
saranya_blj: yeah max!!! like thought
malyaban lahiri lahiri: thats what is escapism da
prathyusha bv: her right over her life
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yeahvidya_b2: the law is the reason for the loss of a life....
bhavnapadmanabhan: oh gandhi..ok go on please
saranya_blj: asserting rights at the cost of leaving stuff unanswered?/
bhavnapadmanabhan: unhuh
bhavnapadmanabhan: yup
bhavnapadmanabhan: mandal commission
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yeah
saranya_blj: but this suicide was not of that magnitude or on a platform such as that
vidya_b2: ess
prathyusha bv: thats what
prathyusha bv: she is saying that you can control my lifeprathyusha
bv: but i still have freedom
malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir fine, by dying she broke ties with the society and all but in the process she proved herself to be A VICTIM rather than a challenger
saranya_blj: agree with u max
malyaban lahiri lahiri:
bhavnapadmanabhan: sir fine, by dying she broke ties with the society and all but in the process she proved herself to be A VICTIM rather than a challenger i agree with him

prathyusha bv: see the thing is
prathyusha bv: the kind of suicide is differrent
vidya_b2: she challenged if the law is the right way if it is actually forcing her to escape it in that manner
bhavnapadmanabhan: shaken,not stirred!! he he he
prathyusha bv: like a sucide bomber.. u cant say he s defeated in life
malyaban lahiri lahiri: hehehe
vidya_b2: ess ess
prathyusha bv: bond
prathyusha bv: vidya_b2: i agree
saranya_blj: its almost qualifying suicide as a defence to a victimising law
malyaban lahiri lahiri: exactly
saranya_blj: what did pratz say?
prathyusha bv: the reason for suicide makes the difference
saranya_blj: ok ok
Siddharth Prakash: okay i've lost the voice
vidya_b2: is neveille still there.....
vidya_b2: he awfully quite
bhavnapadmanabhan: yup e is there
bhavnapadmanabhan: Sid, connect again
Siddharth Prakash: i don't think he's listening though
vidya_b2: ess
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ya ya... thastwhatcrazy_deville: yea..m

herecrazy_deville: m lisninvidya_b2: jus checkin....
prathyusha bv: yessaranya_blj: yes sir they're
vidya_b2: is the story of hasina.... any way close to this?
snehashaj has joined the conference.
saranya_blj: not really
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ...question...
vidya_b2: yelllo sneha

saranya_blj: hasina's problem was with lost husband
prathyusha bv: max q?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yes
vidya_b2: ok
malyaban lahiri lahiri: Attack on the establishement without trying to hurt the religious hierarchy
snehashaj: cant get a head phone!so cant hear
bhavnapadmanabhan: uhoh...
bhavnapadmanabhan: sneha, are you sure?
bhavnapadmanabhan: speakers not working?
vidya_b2: ayyo
papasaranya_blj: isnt it an attack on the law rather than the protectors or makers
snehashaj: that i cant get a head phone?yes i am!!!
bhavnapadmanabhan: i think the protectors will take offense anyway
saranya_blj: true!!
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yeah they will... i agree
saranya_blj: like even smthn as minor as the depiction of pr,md by that paper
bhavnapadmanabhan: i wonder how much offense they actually took when the book released
malyaban lahiri lahiri: hmmm...thats interesting
saranya_blj: wonder if they noticed if the book was written
bhavnapadmanabhan: good one!!
vidya_b2: hehe
bhavnapadmanabhan: ey vodya, decrease font size

saranya_blj: within the community?
bhavnapadmanabhan: meant vidya sorry
prathyusha bv: whats with font size
snehashaj: er....guess this is too much on my part but can some one catch me up on wats happening here please???kinda feeling lost!

saranya_blj: any insights on reations of others? govt for ex?
bhavnapadmanabhan: can you hear us?
saranya_blj: reactionvidya_b2: sheha class almost over
vidya_b2: attendeance
vidya_b2: girl
bhavnapadmanabhan: vidya decrease font size yaar please
vidya_b2: ok
saranya_blj: my attendance too
snehashaj: no da!without a head phone hw do u think i can????
vidya_b2: sneha my attendance
bhavnapadmanabhan: hold on one second then
Siddharth Prakash: okay folks i need to push off cause i can't hear the voice anymore
saranya_blj: sneha go on to a comp with a headfone
snehashaj: i tought this thing was over...completely messed the time man!

malyaban lahiri lahiri: sneha my attendance too
malyaban lahiri lahiri: 22
Siddharth Prakash: 12
crazy_deville: =Neville
anil: sneha take everybody's attendance and mail it to me.
prathyusha bv: 33
saranya_blj: 2438
bhavnapadmanabhan: ey she is not really taking attendance!!
vidya_b2: 42
bhavnapadmanabhan: is she?
vidya_b2: 42
bhavnapadmanabhan: max wait im asking sir!!
saranya_blj: she who?
snehashaj: aiyo!!!!!people!!!!which part of i cant get one do u not understand?????
vidya_b2: don worry
bhavnapadmanabhan: ah i cant hear anything anymore
snehashaj: @ sir...okay...but i can see only 8 ppl on line...
saranya_blj: point, dont worry i'lll summarise for u when we meet
anil: I will post this chat on my blog. Those who wish to get attendance can post thei commetns today it self.

Siddharth Prakash: okay i'll take attendance ................
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok ok coolanil: for those who are absent
anil: you many sms tem
Siddharth Prakash: super !
bhavnapadmanabhan: okie
malyaban lahiri lahiri:
vidya_b2: 42, 42, 42
malyaban lahiri lahiri: 22
crazy_deville: =Neville. roll number 10
saranya_blj: even thgose who participated need to post comments on ur blog?
anil: Also please chat or mail me your expereine of such a cahat
snehashaj: okie! vids got it!!!!
bhavnapadmanabhan: ey vidz just go read his blog and post a comment thats all, you will egt attendance.
anil: i will put it on blog
malyaban lahiri lahiri: 22
prathyusha bv: 33

vidya_b2: o .... ok
anil: I will be refeeing to this
crazy_deville: its an awesome i shud have been onlin earlier
saranya_blj: just attendance anxiety sir
malyaban lahiri lahiri: will do sir...
anil: hjistory /herstory has been create
anil: ??
snehashaj: max!dude i can here u da!next cubicle
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yes i guess
bhavnapadmanabhan: i think its a fantastic idea..if only more people had come..
vidya_b2: hehe
Siddharth Prakash: hahahahah
prathyusha bv:
vidya_b2: wat a class
crazy_deville: lol!
vidya_b2: vidya_b2:
malyaban lahiri lahiri: we r part of HISTORY

saranya_blj: the concept is great sir provided with more people with more speakers
crazy_deville: enthusiastically cheers for anil pinto
anil: bhavnapadmanabhan: er?
prathyusha bv: sir if u keep the mouse on it then
bhavnapadmanabhan: sir feeling sick?
vidya_b2: waaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Siddharth Prakash: totally yuck
prathyusha bv: u can see the meaning appear
Siddharth Prakash: i like that
saranya_blj: thats jealousy max.... greeen u see
snehashaj: yes speakers being the operative word round here!
Siddharth Prakash:

crazy_deville: flirts with
malyaban lahiri lahiri: GREAT
vidya_b2: oye
saranya_blj: THIS CHAT?
crazy_deville: lol
bhavnapadmanabhan: so are we done,sir?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: FRESH
snehashaj: huh?????
Siddharth Prakash: ok then
crazy_deville: asks anil pinto "Do you Yahoo?"

Siddharth Prakash: we r done
Siddharth Prakash: vidya_b2: neville!!!!
bhavnapadmanabhan: ha ha sid. grow up!!
vidya_b2: jude!!!!
bhavnapadmanabhan: SIR ARE WE DONE???
saranya_blj: unique exxperience sir! this chat though wasnt like class but it did take literature to another level PM rules

crazy_deville: was jus checkin these yahoo toolbars
anil: if you have no quesitno/ comments we are done
bhavnapadmanabhan: YEY!!!
vidya_b2: so nice
malyaban lahiri lahiri: no comments/q
anil: what s pm
prathyusha bv: pm?
saranya_blj: my turn to smiley
vidya_b2: pm?
saranya_blj: post modernism
bhavnapadmanabhan: so we come onto your blog later in the evening and post a comment and we get attendance?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: it was great to discuss lit. lik this
Siddharth Prakash: okay folks
anil: interestingly everybody interacted that doesnt hap[pen in class.
Siddharth Prakash: i'm taking off
crazy_deville: ok..m out of here!
vidya_b2: too much!!!!
anil: the best is tthis
Siddharth Prakash: ciao
malyaban lahiri lahiri: cyaa
vidya_b2: tataanil: bye sdidu
prathyusha bv: tat
crazy_deville: net bill is increasing
prathyusha bv: a
bhavnapadmanabhan: bye sid
Siddharth Prakash: tah tah
bhavnapadmanabhan: bye
devcrazy_deville: bye all!vidya_b2: for sid
Siddharth Prakash: for everyone
Siddharth Prakash:
crazy_deville: bye sir
saranya_blj: ok guys c ya,,, and pls remember to come home on sunday the 26th,
crazy_deville: thx
vidya_b2: and jude
crazy_deville: yup! cya vid
scrazy_deville: bye all!
vidya_b2: will do sir
crazy_deville: bye bye bye
bhavnapadmanabhan: sir i have doubt
Neville de Conceicao has left the conference.
anil: go0 anil: agea
anil: ahead
saranya_blj: will do sir,,, bye, was tuff but unique. bye
snehashaj: okie ppl guess i made it just in time for class!
vidya_b2: ya
bhavnapadmanabhan: so we have to comment on your blog to get attendance?

vidya_b2: just got overanil: i think you bneed to upgrage your messanger
saranya_blj: u beat me in keepin time sneha
malyaban lahiri lahiri: we will tell u the points sneha...dnt worry
snehashaj: vids realised thatanil: no only those who are absent]
vidya_b2: eh?
Siddharth Prakash: hello ?
Siddharth Prakash:
snehashaj: max ha ha...worry??me????
bhavnapadmanabhan: ok i will let everyone know. thank you sir. this idea was absolutely great
prathyusha bv: helloanil: Thabkss Bhavana foi rcoming early and coordinating teh caht

malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir.... we leave??
snehashaj: a couple of confused hellos here!
saranya_blj: maxxxxxxxxxxxx come home on sunday for lunch, vidz,pratz,sneha, bhav all u da

malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok will do.........
malyaban lahiri lahiri: will come
bhavnapadmanabhan: hope we win. ok guys, im signing off..
malyaban lahiri lahiri: bbye
bhavsbhavnapadmanabhan: bye everyone.
vidya_b2: hey don forhet tomom grafiiti day
prathyusha bv: hey jp dont forget graffiti tmrw
prathyusha bv: vidya
vidya_b2: ujju too much
saranya_blj: bye all
bhavnapadmanabhan: i remember. thanks girls.
prathyusha bv: family!!anil: ok thannk ou guys for making this possible
vidya_b2: too much
bhavnapadmanabhan: have a nice evening. see you guys tomorrow
vidya_b2: ur welcome
malyaban lahiri lahiri: we loved it sir
malyaban lahiri lahiri: now worries
vidya_b2: tata everyone
saranya_blj: u're welcome sir, we liked it
prathyusha bv: great class sir
bhavnapadmanabhan: thank you sir. congratulations. we were part of history!!!
saranya_blj: made us feel executive kinds already
snehashaj: okie guys i'm off too
bhavnapadmanabhan: bbye
prathyusha bv: tata

bhavnapadmanabhan: g'nite~
snehashaj: ta ta!have a gud sunday eve
bhavnapadmanabhan has left the conference.
malyaban lahiri lahiri: reminds of an article i had written n cnb- when other colleges make headlines christ will make history

anil: good one
anil: i like tianil: it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: thank u thank usnehashaj has left the conference.
anil: can i read it
saranya_blj: its ok think i'll type
saranya_blj: yes
malyaban lahiri lahiri: the lunch is next sunday?
vidya_b2 has left the conference.
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok
malyaban lahiri lahiri: great
prathyusha bv: bey all
prathyusha bv: *bye
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok sir.. when we r celebrating this creation of history???
malyaban lahiri lahiri: bbyesaranya_blj: c u there doc coming too. jhadu pocha
anil: whos sponsoring it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok ok bbyeanil: due?anil: dude?
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yes sir
prathyusha bv has left the conference.
saranya_blj: done
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok done
malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir........
saranya_blj: what about saranya
malyaban lahiri lahiri: how r we celebrating???
anil: you tell

memalyaban lahiri lahiri: its ur call sir..... u r the initiator of thisanil: wakey malyaben
saranya_blj: sir its lunch at my place, u can join too if ure free of evaluation hasslez
anil: this wakey is for hte messaghe ton the other chat

saranya_blj: thats wokay sir\
malyaban lahiri lahiri: that wont let sir spend!!!!!!!!!
malyaban lahiri lahiri:
malyaban lahiri lahiri: lol
anil: saranay when where
malyaban lahiri lahiri: hahahahahahahahaanil: whay
anil: whs
malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir u put on ur voice chat
saranya_blj: home my place, coming sunday sir
saranya_blj: its at horamavu
anil: can u hear
memalyaban lahiri lahiri: whats that??
malyaban lahiri lahiri: horamavu???
saranya_blj: no sir
malyaban lahiri lahiri: no sir
saranya_blj: thats where i live max
malyaban lahiri lahiri: eh??
saranya_blj: wil msg u the address

malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok ok kewlsaranya_blj: dont even try pronouncin it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir u there????
saranya_blj: ok
saranya_blj: happy
malyaban lahiri lahiri: menu???
anil: yea i amsaranya_blj: authentic south india patthe ka khaana
malyaban lahiri lahiri: put on ur voice chat sir
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ooohhhhhhhhhhh
malyaban lahiri lahiri: cooolll
malyaban lahiri lahiri: love it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: but i will keep eaing ok????

saranya_blj: yaaaaa specially u n sk in mind 4 the menu
malyaban lahiri lahiri: eating
anil: i an on
malyaban lahiri lahiri: was that a compliment orrrrrrrrrrrrr..................
malyaban lahiri lahiri:

saranya_blj: was that msg 4 me?
saranya_blj: yes da twas a compliment
malyaban lahiri lahiri: yes baby.... hahahahaha
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok ok good girl
malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir can u hear me??
saranya_blj: told mom that a bong is comin over too

malyaban lahiri lahiri: what????????
malyaban lahiri lahiri: i will kill u 2mrwanil: on chatanil: voice
saranya_blj: her biradri, she was in cal durin her childhoodanil: gh

malyaban lahiri lahiri: yaaaaa
saranya_blj: max cut voice stick to typin
malyaban lahiri lahiri: great
saranya_blj: anythging specific u want on table>? rasam is in already
malyaban lahiri lahiri: oooh cooolanil: hi
malyaban lahiri lahiri: lots of hoooot pickle
saranya_blj: avial, one sweet dish, sambar n paapad and PICKLEmalyaban lahiri lahiri: kool.... hey hey
malyaban lahiri lahiri: daaal????
anil: says i mnot authoreise max
saranya_blj: SAAMBAAR NOT DAL
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok
malyaban lahiri lahiri: rice??
malyaban lahiri lahiri: authoreise???malyaban lahiri lahiri: sir i dint get u
malyaban lahiri lahiri: cudnt hear anything
malyaban lahiri lahiri: good good
malyaban lahiri lahiri: i can already smell it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok sharanya... bbye for now
malyaban lahiri lahiri: i dint have any food today
saranya_blj: K then c ya in coll will go now, got psycho records to submit to jk, u;ll taste it soon buddy
malyaban lahiri lahiri: will have soke
malyaban lahiri lahiri: soem food
saranya_blj: why no food?
saranya_blj: go eat da, i'll serve extra anyways on sunday 4 u
anil: i can hear both of yoiu
malyaban lahiri lahiri: hehe.. looking forward to it
malyaban lahiri lahiri: ok
saranya_blj: bye
malyaban lahiri lahiri has left the conference.
saranya_blj has left the conference.

Breaking Ties by Sara Aboobacker : Pointers

Here are some of the the pointers on Sara Aboobacker's first novel Breaking Ties. This is first novel b y a Muslim woman writer in Kannada. The novel is translated by Vanamala Vishwanatha.

-context of production and reception of the novel at two levels
-Title: politics
- native vocabulary idiom of Kannada retained
- Critiqe of patriarchy in Muslim society and by extention in all societies, esp semetic
- Imp. imagery: weaving coconut fronds
- Within the novel genre it belongs to the realist mode of narration and melodramatic/ has a tone/ narrtive style that was typical in the 70's and 80's in the so called 'women's popular fiction'
- She was commissioned to write this novel by Lankesh at the age of 42 and it's her first work!
- Important names : Fatimma, Nadira, Jameela, Mohammed khan, Rashid, New House Selim, Sheik Ali, Jabbar of the banana plantation
Modernity is shown as the ennobling factor especially through modern eduction ie learing to read and write
- Attack on the establishement without trying to hurt the religious hierarchy. A pattern that can be seen even in Kasaravalli's "Hasina"
- Diffirent purposes of marriage. 1. companionship 2. To satify sexual needs 3. Societal expectations 3. To look after the household 4. For family security esp finacial 5 security in oldage
- Religion - ritualistic
- Economic situation directly responsible for much of what happens in the novel. REad Poverty