Roll no:1447401
Electrical and Electronics Engineering concerns itself with practical applications of both high and low currents. The comparative strength of the electric current used makes the distinction of higher current applications as electrical and lower current applications as electronics.With progress in technology, applications became dependant. Electrical Engineering today has become an amalgamation of high current applications with low current devices.
In many Universities around the world, study of Electrical Engineering or Electronic Engineering is treated as simply specializations of same discipline- Electrical Engineering. Universities in India shifted from conventional name of Electrical Engineering to Electrical and Electronics to bring to the forefront the integration of applications.
Christ University is situated in Bangalore,India.Christ University came in to existence in the year 1969 and is managed by the priests of Carmelite of Mary Immaculate. The University began its journey as Christ College and it was granted the status of Deemed University under Section 3 of the UGC Act 2008. Faculty of Engineering at Christ University started in 2009 and the Dept of EEE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) came in to the existence in the year 2011. The goal of the Department is to create Engineers of high technical skills in the Electrical & Electronics field suitable for employment in reputed firms and for higher studies. The Department caters to the ever increasing needs of technical brilliance in all areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering such as Power Systems,Power Electronics,Integrated Electronics & Circuits, Telecommunications and Control & Automation
The Department has witnessed substantial growth in all areas of activity since its inception. The rapid technological advancement in the field makes it increasingly difficult to be rigid in terms of course curriculum and teaching methodologies. The curriculum prescribed by the department has gone through reviews and revisions to reflect the developments in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The Department also offers today the M.Tech Programme in Power Systems. Well equipped laboratories, for both under graduate and post graduate programmes have been established in four years of its inception. Research activities have also evolved in the Department as minor research projects and monographs funded by the University. Renewable Energy and High Voltage Engineering are areas of ongoing research work at the University.
The discipline EEE stands for Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the department itself believes in EEE- 'Enrich, Energize and Excel '